Doing The Most Good: The Giving Keys
So I'm going to lay some ground rules within this blog before we get in too deep here. And my first rule is this: This place is like the trust tree. Anything that goes on here is between you and me. And the five other people that read this thing. It's an elite group, I know. But that being said, I'm going to let you in on a few secrets about me.
Secret #1: I have a bit of a shopping problem. ESPECIALLY in this social media age. I mean the fact that I can just like an Instagram post and immediately be able to have something shipped to my door step is completely amazing but also completely TERRIBLE for my wallet. For instance, when I'm bored, I'll just pour myself a glass of wine and skim through my Insta at all the other people's lives that are cooler than mine. But then I happen to stumble upon this really freaking adorable dress that I could totally wear to a Cowboys game... Oh, and they take Apple Pay. OKAY.
It's bad.
BUT in one of these boredom-inspired IG binges, I happened upon a lovely little company called The Giving Keys. It's this really awesome group out of LA that makes these rad little key-phrase necklaces.
Secret #2: Well, fun fact about me is that I am sucker for a good cause. And whatdoyaknowit but The Giving Keys IS A GOOD CAUSE. Basically what they do is employ people trying to transition out of homelessness (awesome) to make these really cool vintage key necklaces that all these celebrities are now wearing (double awesome).
Celebrities aside, this company has a really great message. Besides the fact that they employ those trying to get back on their feet, each necklace has a different inspirational message stamped into the key itself.
The idea is to wear it yourself until you find someone in your life who might need the message more than you. You then gift it to them to wear and carry with them as a reminder daily. So basically a really cool way to pay it forward. (SO AWESOME IT HURTS)
Secret #3: I LOVE a good deal. I blame my mother for this one. She always taught me to bargain shop. Even though I don't always do it these days. Sorry mom. But this little charmer would make her proud! Coming in at a mere $39 these necklaces definitely don't break the bank.
So go on! Snag one up this holiday season (or twelve). Because who doesn't like to look pretty as they #PayItForward.
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